The belief of a supernatural source of evil is not necessary, men alone are capable of every wickedness-Joseph Conrad
I grew up in a peaceful family atmosphere and a somewhat peaceful society, but since leaving that cushioned atmosphere and getting more immersed in the larger society, I can’t help but be saddened by the rampant show of inhumanity and brutality. As I said my prayers this morning, I asked for one thing, may I not trend another negative hashtag and just few minutes after, I came across #justiceforUwa. A 22-year old girl had been raped and murdered on church grounds.
Each day, I am worried about my sister, my female cousins, my female friends and the female folk in general, because I understand how brutal the world is towards them. I wonder whether a time would come when I don’t have to be particularly worried about their safety. I advise them not to go out after dark, I advise them not to go out alone, I advice them to be suspicious of everyone, despite all these, I worry that one day this evil might hit closer home. I am quite riled up when I hear people trying to blame the victim’s dressing or inappropriate timing. We seem to have become a people without culture and basic human decency.
The Rape victim, 14, was “as much in control of the situation” as the rapist and acted “older than her chronological age” — District Judge G. Todd Baugh in a 2013 sentencing.
“The female body has ways to try and shut that whole thing down.” — Todd Akin, former representative of Missouri’s second congressional district, during a 2012 FOX 2 St. Louis interview.
Statements like the above can only send shivers down my spine. As terrible as rape is, it occurs every few minutes. Within the time it takes you to read this article, it is likely that someone has been raped and an irreversible damage done to that life and the lives of the loved ones. We need to focus more on persecuting the rapist. “In order for non violence to work, your opponent must have a conscience”. It is evident that these rapists (opponents of any rational thinking man) are devoid of consciences. Nigeria is ranked as the 9th most dangerous country for women to live in, just behind India, Afghanistan, Somalia,Syria, Pakistan, Yemen, Saudi Arabia and DRC-Thomson Reuters Foundation. We cannot be complicit in rape by joking about. It is not an ingredient for comedy.We cannot ,in good faith, be friends with rapists and we certainly cannot be silent about it. It is a crime against humanity. A crime that calls to the earth for vengeance,
In the past 72 hours, in addition to the brutal rape and killing of Vera Uwaila Omozuwa, a 12- year old was raped by 11 men, and the Nigerian police shot a 16 year old girl. The fixation of Nigerians on the killings going on outside Nigeria is mind boggling.
Between the 1st of January and May 16th, we have had 2574 recorded cases of fatality arising from violent (un-natural deaths);violence perpetuated by Boko-Haram, herdsmen, police brutality, robbery etc. This gives a daily average of 17 deaths, yet there are no outbursts.According to a report by the National Human Rights Commission (NHRC), law enforcers killed 18 people in Nigeria between the beginning of a nationwide lockdown on the 30th of March and the 16th of April. Nigeria accounts for c. 42% of violent deaths in West-Africa and c.18 % of violent deaths on the African continent.(from sub-saharan to northern, eastern and southern Africa). On a world scale, Nigeria has provided 6% of the world’s violent deaths between the 1st of January and 16th of May, 2020.
In 1998, the first female pilot of Nigerian Airways,Captain Hadiza Oboh was killed by her domestic staff. They never faced the wrath of the law and justice was never served. On the 30th of May, 2016, 60 peaceful pro-biafran protesters were killed in Nkpor, justice has not been served. Justice has not been served for the events of 1967–1970 neither has it been served for Kolade Johnson nor for Oluwaseyi Kehinde nor for Joseph Okonofua. The killers of Chima Ikwunado,Mariam Shobukola and Kazeem Tiyamiyu are roaming free. These people were killed by those whose job was to protect them.
How safe are you? How fortified are your walls and those of your closest friends/family?
Tolerating evil leads only to more evil. And when good people stand by and do nothing while wickedness reigns, their communities will be consumed.-Bob Riley